With this being the last week of voting I decided to throw together some of My Top picks of sessions you should vote to see at VMWorld!!!
I have included the Abstracts as well.

Occasionally tasks that are simple in the vSphere GUI are not available as part of the native PowerCLI cmdlets. Automating these tasks require digging deeper into vSphere’s API, which is foreign to most PowerCLI scripters. PowerCLI can directly communicate with this API if you know the right places to look.
Attendees will learn how to navigate the vSphere API to identify the methods required to perform these tasks. Additionally attendees will learn the basics on how to integrate these mysterious methods into PowerCLI through proven examples. We’ll help you learn the language of the vSphere API and translate it into powerful scripts and functions.
Comment: For anyone familiar with
Atwell or myself, you pretty much know what is going down at this session. There will be some sweet knowledge bombs dropped, jokes that will incite groans in the audience :), and probably some on stage heckling between the two of us. Win Win Win for everyone.
With the new products and services offered by VMware in recent years, vCenter has become more important than ever. The resiliency that’s offered to vCenter remains intact with features like HA in case of hardware failures. However, the minor downtime seems to have become a bigger issue than what it once used to be.
With VMware’s products being used more these days, reliance on vCenter has made any downtime more visible to users. In short, vCenter being down doesn’t always mean the VMware Admin loses the ability to manage the environment. It could also mean your customers are unable to deploy their application in their virtual datacenter. So the bottom line is, we want vCenter up all the time.
5.1 has new dependencies for vCenter to operate. SSO and IS are pre-reqs for the vCenter service to be available. There are multiple scenarios that come into play, which could also call for SSO being deployed in a clustered mode, but does that still provide you the redundancy you need for all your vCenter services? What should you do if you have sites that span across continents, or even across campus in a metro cluster type deployment? What is the right way for you to architect your environment where your vCenter services are up all the time?
There are multiple scenarios and solutions to think about and we will go over a few during the session. We will go over when would one be recommended over the other and the gotchas.
Comment: Here is my thoughts, these two are pretty great no matter which way you look at it. Also, if you run into Bowling at VMWorld, he has some of the best business cards. That’s your random fact of the day.
This is the Sequel to a very popular presentation Virtualizing SQL Server 2012: Doing IT Right. It received an average rating of 4.8 by over 800 attendees each at both the U.S. conference and The European conference.A database is a very resource intensive by its very nature and one of the most resource intensive applications you will ever virtualize. If best practices are not followed, the database will never perform as needed. This presentation will teach you why you should virtualize your SQL Server database and how to successfully virtualize the most demanding SQL Server database’s on VMware
In previous years Alan and Luc showed you some of their best practices and how to take PowerCLI one step further.
This year they will dive deeper and show you some best practices you didn’t see coming.- The Software Defined Datacenter
– Taking on the MOB and winning
– From vSwitch to vDS
– Pimp your performance graphs
– Common and Cool Community Questions
Comments: LucD and Renouf…’Nuff Said
VMware is continuing to push to the use of trusted/signed certificates (as opposed to self-signed) for inter- and intra-system secure communication. For many very smart people, this is perceived as the realm of black magic and the purview of some holy priesthood. This session will shine the light on what certificates are, how they help to secure communication, and the problem they’re intended to solve.
These also aren’t all the great sessions out there, so go out there and discover some more!!! Use the filters and search to your heart’s content!
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