This is obligatory recap of 2012 and looking forward at 2013 post. You have been warned 🙂
Let’s see, 2012 was easily my biggest year yet.
- I got my VCP5
- I was voted 7th for Favorite New Blog
- I went to my first VMworld and met some kickass people
- I hit 200 followers on twitter
- I started doing guest posts for the vBrownbag guys(here and here so far 🙂 )
- I did a guest post for VirtualLanger
- vNoob turned 1
All in all 2012 was a great year for me, and unfortunately for me, I plan to top it in 2013. Here is what I got for this coming year.
- Get my VCAP-DCA and hopefully DCD
- Place higher in the VMware Blog rankings
- Apply for vExpert
- Attend VMworld 2013
- Host a vBrownbag
- Participate in more guest blogging, and have some guest bloggers
- Submit a session for VMworld
- vNoob turns 2
Ugh, it’s already the fifth and I feel like I am behind on these…best get started!
After all is said and done, I feel so happy and honored to be doing this blog, and I am so happy that there are people out there who read it, even if it is only occasionally. Granted this started with me expecting almost nothing, but the fact that there have been people who read makes it so very very worthwhile. Thank you to all my readers/subscribers. I appreciate it more than you know!