Hey All! I just heard some exciting news.
There is going to be a Free VCAP5-DCA Mock Exam at VMWorld. Pretty sweet huh? It gets better!
Yeah, I know. Now I have your attention.
But vNoob wtf are you talking about?
I am glad you asked friend. Here is the low-down.
This will be a lab-based contest, where contestants will take a mock VCAP5-DCA, trying to get the best time. Prizes will be awarded each day based on time scored. This all means 2 things.
- If you already have your DCA, you will have a leg up on getting some prizes.
- If you don’t already have your DCA, this will be great experience for when(not if
) you decide to take it.
When you add those things together, that means Everyone Wins.
The practice mock exams will be held Marriott Marquis on 4th Street, on the 4th floor in room Pacific C from 9am to 6pm Mon-Thu.
The exams will last a maximum of 20 minutes(Very Mock Exam) and No, you cannot get your DCA from taking this Mock exam.
For more info, check out Josh’s blog http://sostech.wordpress.com/2012/08/20/vcap-test-track-vmworld-live-mock-exam-for-vcap5-dca/
He is a Technical Certification Developer for VMware…so probably a decent source